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Mon September 09 2024

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Weston revises Norwich tower block plan

19 Sep 18 Plans for a high-density housing development in Norwich have been modified to appease public hostility.

The revised plan and (below) the old and new plan side by side
The revised plan and (below) the old and new plan side by side

Weston Homes has amended its plans for Anglia Square in Norwich in response to public consultation.

The proposed 25-storey tower block has been reduced to 20 stories, taking its height from 77 metres to 63 metres.

The plans include three other blocks of flats of up to 12 storeys.  The designs of these have also been amended in parts to adjust their impact.

The total number of residential units for which planning permission is sought remains ‘up to 1250’ but the commercial viability is now based on unit numbers of 1,209, rather than the 1,234 required before.

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Weston Homes’ plans drew criticism from Historic England when lodged earlier this year. John Neale, Historic England planning director in the east of England said at the time: “Norwich is one of the great historic cities of England and Europe. While Anglia Square is in need of redevelopment, a tower as tall as the cathedral would be alien and inappropriate. We believe plans for the square could be developed in a different way which would still unlock public benefits. Norwich deserves better."

Presenting the revised plans, Weston Homes chairman & chief executive Bob Weston said: “We have committed a huge amount of time and effort to prepare these proposals and we have also continuously listened to comments on the scheme. We have now substantially revised our plans for Anglia Square in order to respond to feedback provided by the council, the public, statutory consultees, and local stakeholders to our original March application. The Phase 1 building has had its elevations substantially amended, and it now includes high quality accessible public conveniences; additionally there has been a complete redesign of the marker building to propose a slender, lower-height, structure less visible from sensitive locations within the city. Also, we have lowered the height of Block D, added more communal amenity space for residents, and redesigned the public streets and spaces to encourage more activity and events within enhanced landscaping. Furthermore, we have incorporated off-site highway and cycle path improvements, to encourage cycling, and avoid congestion associated with servicing the scheme.”

Bob Weston said: “We are committed to providing a successful future for the site and having invested £3m in the planning process so far, we hope that the revised scheme is granted consent. Weston Homes is a highly successful housebuilder of 30 years standing and we have the track record and financial stature to deliver on the revised proposals.”                                                          

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