The project involves the Narromine to Narrabri (N2N) section of Inland Rail, a 1,700km Australian Rail Track Corporation (ARTC) project that will link Melbourne and Brisbane via regional Victoria, New South Wales and Queensland. N2N is the longest section of Inland Rail, comprising approximately 300km of new track through a ‘greenfield’ environment.
The feasibility and environmental work will help to define a preferred alignment within the approved study area.
Inland Rail chief executive officer Richard Wankmuller said: “This important feasibility design work will give us critical information in terms of engineering, environmental, traffic flows, socio-economic impacts and benefits and other areas of interest. It will lay the groundwork for the detailed design for this section and help identify how we can adjust to address community concerns.”
Phil Duthie, GHD’s general manager, Australia, said: “We are proud to continue our work with ARTC on this once-in-a-generation project, which will transform Australia’s freight network and create new economic opportunities for regional communities.”
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